Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pride? What Pride?

There is something totally awkward and uncomfortable about self promotion.  Something I have to do right now to get feedback on my writing.  One's writing is only as good as how many people read it (monetarily at least).  I can love my writing as much as I want but if I'm the only one loving it, I may as well journal.  So now I have to promote my website hoping to lure more people in so I get a sense of what people like, and what they could do without.  My attempt at fiction won over the ladies but they guys didn't give a shit.  Why?  It was a goddamn love story.  Not shit guys weren't into it.  But this is exactly what I need to figure out. 

At first I told only a few close friends and family members that I was writing. They all gave positive feedback (their job) so I decided to share my site on FaceBook.  I definitely freaked out a little because then I started getting so many hits per day I was totally embarrassed. What the hell do I do now?  Do I really want THAT many people reading my writing?  People I haven't talked to in years started commenting about my writing.  But all of it was positive (thanks for holding back any negative comments haha).  So I got comfortable in my exposure and started to have fun with it.  When all of a sudden, FaceBook changed its format.  I couldn't see everyone's posts nor could they see mine.  Now I'm getting a quarter of the viewership because my FB posts are not seen by all.  It was then I created a fan site.  Ugh FAN SITE.  I did not create the FB language.  But I feel like I'm asking people to BE MY FAN.  Really?  I feel like I'm begging for votes to become prom queen.  "Vote for me! *tap dance* Oh you're voting for Jane, ok."  It's like taking your pride and stuffing it into a sleeping bag compression sack or putting Spanx on it.  It's a humbling experience but a learning experience nonetheless. 

For all of you who read my ridiculous stories, I thank you.  I appreciate your feedback and your shared laughs.  Let's take the heartache, pain, and loneliness of life, put it where we all can see it and dress it up like Ziggy Stardust.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Welcome to the blogosphere, although it looks as though you've been at it for a little while. You have a great writing style. Facebook is an awesome start, but if you are looking to increase your readership beyond your FB friends, I would suggest getting yourself out there on the many blog lists available to you. There's quite a few out there-, technorati, blog explosion, etc. Google some blog lists and you'll find them. I'd say the first rule in blogging is to not cater yourself to what you think people want to read. Readers can sense when you are not being genuine, and will flock to an honest writer. From that standpoint I'd say you are doing just fine so don't go changing! Another way to get noticed is to get out there and visit other blogs, and comment often. Commenting on other blogs will usually bring the author and their readers to your site as well.

    If you are honestly looking to further your blog from a PR standpoint I would offer only one major suggestive criticism. Be careful with your pictures. In the blogging world it is considered improper etiquette to use a photo without giving the photographer proper credit. PR firms will notice this. Otherwise, keep it up and happy writing! I hope you see my suggestions as helpful (as intended) and not all Miss Blogger Know It All (not intended). I'll be sure to check back in with you, and would love it if you'd stop by and visit me as well!
