This morning I woke up and checked all of my social networking websites: hotmail, gmail, Face Book, Google Wave, Google Blogger (Yaya site), Twitter, and company email. At one point I was talking to 2 people via IM on Face Book, one on my gmail account, and I was texting another. I can spend anywhere from 5 minutes to 15 hours just messing around with all these accounts. They are not assisting me in the marketing of a product or even networking for work. They are simply sites that I have joined because I wanted to check them out. But I am exhausted. I rarely tweet, I share most of the funny pictures/videos I find on my Yaya site or Face Book. That eliminates the need for the Google Wave. Why do I have 3 email accounts?
I understand that companies are trying to be "the" networking site but checking all is wasting valuable life time for me. I mean I could be reading the New York Times or Scientific American (AKA People Magazine/TMZ) online and actually feeding my brain instead of reading that so-and-so on Face Book just changed their kid's diaper or milked the cows on FarmVille. Speaking of, what the hell is FarmVille?
Anyway it's all too overwhelming and I have nothing to gain but lost time. Thankfully I deleted my My Space account last year so that's one less to check...
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