Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Song

Guys/boys/men you will not appreciate this story…I warned you.
Music is a really big part of my life.  I am pretty sure I spend more time listening to music than I do anything else, even sleeping.  I believe that is why I envision meeting the man of my dreams while walking down the street listening to my iPod.  Why walking down the street rather than a show?  I haven’t quite figured out why.   Perhaps my brain thinks it’s more romantic to be approached on the street.  
Anyway I imagine this handsome man to walk up to me while I’m looking rather cute.  By cute I mean I have on an outfit that falls in the middle of my wardrobe.  Nothing too fancy as he would’ve seen the best of me and expect that every time.  But I also do not want to be wearing sweatpants.  No one wants the ultimate romantic scene to occur looking like Rosanne Barr.  Okay back to the scene…He would say “Excuse me, what are you listening to?”
I would then answer “Song ‘X’ by band ‘Y’”.  And this is where I am immediately faced with a problem.  I could answer what I am actually listening to.  My fear is that I could be listening to “Roni” by Bobby Brown.  Don’t get me wrong “Roni” is an amazing song but I don’t see it as “The Song” when I meet Mr. Totally Radical.  So then, if I do happen to be listening to “Roni”, do I lie?  If I do, what song do I pretend to be listening to?  It has to be cool without trying.  Dylan?  Drummer?  Yeasayer?  I haven’t decided but it happened to me today.  
Finally a guy asked me what I was listening to.  I froze.  I was really listening “Gone, Gone Gone” off the Crazy Heart Soundtrack by Colin Farrell.  Which is a pretty great soundtrack but it wasn’t “The Song”.  I decided that since he was just a teenage Starbucks’ Barrista making my soy latte that it didn’t really matter what I answered.  So I told the truth, and he said “Cool”. 
Ultimately the guy of my dreams wouldn’t really be approaching me about music anyway.  He just wouldn’t be able to resist me.  When he invites me out to coffee we discover we have tons in common, or not, and we fall madly in love. 
-Deep Thoughts by Yaya

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