Friday, January 15, 2010

Paging Dr. Feelgood

I've written about my job before and as you all know I'm not in love with it.  Well two months ago I really fell in love with it (and by fell in love I mean almost quit).  A physician agreed to see me on a Monday.  As I was walking in at 2PM she was walking out.  awesome.  So I was told to come in the next day at 12:30.  I got there at 12:15 and waited until 1PM.  She stuck her head out and said "hi" then went back to her office tucked waaaay in the back, away from my laser eyes.  The receptionist then says "Yaya do you need to see Dr. Asshole (ok not her real name) or can you just leave her something?"  Jigga wha?  Soooo you think I've been sitting here for 45 minutes just to leave a piece of paper, you douchemonkey?  Ok I didn't really say that, I said "Well it's a new study and it will literally take me 25 seconds to explain it."  "Okay" says the receptionist "I'll go tell her".  When the receptionist came back she says to me "Yaya, Dr. Asshole-Shit-For-Brains (forgot she was married) just doesn't have 25 seconds for you today."  I barely squeaked out an "ok" and ran out the door welling up with tears. 

I mean she may as well have kicked me in my who-ha because I was destroyed.  Can you imagine telling someone that you do not have 25 seconds to see them?  After telling them to come back twice?   I currently have a vein poking out of my forehead and this event took place 2 months ago.  So I never went back to that office.

But yesterday something really odd happened.  I got a phone call from one of my pharmacy customers freaking out that Dr. Asshole-Shit-For-Brains was sending in people by the droves to buy my product.

Phone conversation:

me: Hello.
pharmacist: Hey Yaya.  Dr. Asshole-Shit-For-Brains has sent in a ton of patients and I'm almost out of product.  I need to order more now!
me:  So it took you 3 months to get through your first order and now one week for your second?
pharmacist:  Yes.  Dr. Asshole-Shit-For-Brains is sending in patients with a prescription for product X (it's over-the-counter). 
me:  Ok I'll put the order in immediately.

I hang up the phone and am so bewildered as to what happened.  It's like my dating life.  You ignore 'em long enough and they come begging for your goodies.  That is actually an untrue statement.

So I learned a few lessons.  I need to learn patience.  I cannot take customers' actions, like Dr. Asshole-Shit-For-Brains', personally (though I probably always will).  And Earth is a really weird place and the inhabitants behave accordingly. 

Nanu nanu.

P.s. who the hell gets a tattoo of Dr. Mario?  Freaking ass-donkeys.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Cameron, you have a knack for this...HILARIOUS...I'm hooked. Got to run so I can read more of these.....signed, totallyhookeddawnk
