Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just Say No to Facial Hair

Why? Why do guys grow beards? Are they hiding from the world like chicks who cannot bring themselves to ever cut their hair? You know the women who are grey and have hair down to their hamstrings? Just cut it. It is not going to bleed if you do. It is not an appendage. Ok back to beards.

Another guy I work with asked me how I liked his mustache/beard combo a day earlier. My response "sure, but chicks hate having their faces beat up by facial hair". I remember making out with a guy one time with some stubble. I said good night after a long make out session and looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. It looked like I had been making out with a cheese grater. It felt that way too.

Please enlighten me why they feel the need to grow facial hair. Do they think it's masculine, sexy, tough? Ok it is buuuuut, it's mean and it will mangle. Next time I meet a guy with facial hair and he wants to make-out I am going to put my hand on his face and shove it away. "You will not over-exfoliate my face thank you! Goodnight!"


  1. I dunno, Yaya. I mean, I'm not a fan of the scratchy feel of a beard on my face when I kiss a guy, but I do think some stubble or a small beard is kinda sexy.

  2. Men are simply lazy, it is boring to cut it every morning. I do it one time per week, and it is soft, if I do it every morning, it would become stronger, sharper.
